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Brand Strategy Consulting

Your brand is your customers' perception of you, not what you think or say it is.

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The challenge behind a good Brand Strategy

As a Brand Strategy consulting agency, crafting a remarkable and successful brand and brand strategy is an intricate undertaking, yet its essence lies in aligning your offerings with the aspirations of your clientele or customer. Seek a niche in their minds where your brand takes root and foster a connection that resonates with their sensibilities.

Our brand strategy services approach begins with comprehending your business through the lens of your customer and how they perceive your brand. We then forge and create a brand positioning and brand identity that is distinctive, leaving an indelible mark in their minds about your company. We meticulously ensure consistency across all branding and brand touchpoints, ensuring your brands message resonates seamlessly.

Finally, we guide you in crafting a dialogue with your customers, via your brand, that resonates with their unique perspectives.

Brand Strategy Results from Motel


More than tripled revenue.


Company acquired at increased sale price.


Increased growth in service offering.

Brand Strategy Consulting

Purpose, Vision, Mission
Brand Culture
Brand Positioning
Brand Narrative
Brand Strategy
Brand Personality
Brand Manifesto

The Brand Strategy Service process

Stage 1: Understanding Your Brand Foundation

Immersion: Embark on a journey of deep understanding, immersing ourselves in your brand and company culture, business goals, competitive landscape, and industry trends. This thorough exploration provides the foundation for crafting a brand strategy and brand identity that resonates with your services and unique identity.

Stage 2: Creating a Distinct Brand Architecture

Brand Strategy: Sharpen your focus and seize opportunities that lie within the competitive landscape and around the consumer needs. We craft a brand strategy that clearly defines your brand's purpose, values, proposition, and unique selling proposition (USP). This strategic roadmap guides all subsequent branding and brand-related endeavors.

Brand Platform: Discover the essence that sets your brand apart from the crowd – your distinctive truth. We articulate this truth through a compelling brand strategy and platform that serves as the guiding light for all visual and verbal brand identity expression. This two-stage approach ensures that your brand development is rooted in a deep understanding of your company's core and positioned to stand out in the marketplace, through the lens of your customer, and deliver growth.

What is Brand Strategy and how does it influence Brand Identity?

At our Brand Strategy firm, we help our clients to deliver the brand positioning and brand architecture they need to improve customer loyalty, attract customers, investors to invest, business partners, and staff. In turn this enables companies to develop and create new products and services that can drive growth and deliver scale.

We work with businesses to develop branding and brand strategy that identifies their brand's core values, purpose, and personality. We then develop a brand strategy for communicating these attributes to their target audience and consumer. Our services and process helps our clients create strong and memorable brands, including logo and design systems, that resonates with their customers.

Our Brand Strategy consulting services include the following pillars:

  • Brand Proposition: What is the brands unique selling proposition? What makes it different from its competitors?
  • Purpose: Why does the brand exist? What is its mission in the world?
  • Personality: What is the brand's personality? How does it want to be perceived by its customers? Does the brand naming fit the brand personality?
  • Behaviours: How does the brand behave? What actions does it take to uphold its values?
  • Values: What are the brand's core values? What principles does it stand for?

Our output is a strategic plan that outlines how the brand will reach and communicate with its customers together with a clear brand architecture and brand management pathway. This plan includes a detailed marketing plan, a branding communication plan, a digital and technology development plan to take to market, and a consumer driven social media strategy. We work with businesses to implement this plan, tracking the difference and quality of its results.

Our branding process is designed to help our clients create a strong brand strategy and brand experience for their business that can stand the test of time, and ultimately increase brand value. We believe that a strong brand is essential for success in today's competitive marketplace and essential to the evolution of brand development.

We establish continually evolving, long-standing relationships.


Since rebranding, all inbound enquiries, pitches and tenders, have been related to our core offering with high calibre content-led, digital creative campaign projects – we looked less creative before and struggled to reach these projects.


Luca Massaro



Our expertise

We are a brand strategy agency in London with expertise providing branding services to businesses that differentiate brands, in order to attract other companies or consumers by developing market leading brand positioning.

Our professional team of brand strategists at our brand strategy consulting firm, have deep expertise working with an extensive range of world-class organisations and brands delivering brand strategies for firms such as Allianz, BMW, BT, GSK, Lego, Mastercard, Nestle, Unilever, and UPS. They have previously held strategic brand and brand management roles at McKinsey & Company, Futurebrand, and Carlton Communications.

Our brand strategy agency London team is recognised as experts in their field with an impressive brand portfolio, regularly speaking at business conferences about brands and brand strategies around the world and publishing articles in leading industry brand publications.

What makes a successful brand strategy?

A successful brand strategy is insight-driven, clearly differentiates from competitors, aligns with business goals, resonates with target customers, and is consistently applied across all customer touchpoints.

How long does a typical brand strategy project take?

The duration of a brand strategy project can vary based on scope and client needs but typically ranges from a few weeks for a small startup to several months for a large corporation.

Why should I choose Motel Design for brand strategy consulting?

Motel Design offers expertise in shaping distinctive brand identities and strategies that resonate with target audiences. Our approach combines creative flair with analytical rigor, making us a leading choice for businesses seeking impactful brand development.

Can you help with rebranding?

Absolutely, rebranding is one of our specialties. Whether your business is undergoing a significant shift in direction, targeting a new market, or needing a fresh look to reflect evolved values, we provide comprehensive services from conceptualisation to rollout to ensure a successful rebrand.

How do you measure the success of a brand strategy?

Success is measured using a combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics tailored to each project. These may include brand awareness, brand equity, customer engagement levels, and ultimately, business performance metrics such as sales growth and market share. We establish these KPIs at the start of the project to track progress and ensure the strategy delivers tangible results.


What does a brand strategy agency do?


Are branding agencies worth it?


What is branding strategy of a company?


Ready to start?

Get in touch to find out how Motel can help build your brand.

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